Need help with your Magento 2 development?

2 September 2016

Why not take a look at some of the most useful resources we’ve put together for developing with the new ecommerce platform?

From Magento 2 themes to Magento 2 tutorials, you'll find just what you've been looking for.

    1. 1) Official developer documentation
    2. 2) Official frontend developer documentation
    3. 3) Creating a theme
    4. 4) Magento 2 CLI commands
    5. 5) Working with templates
    6. 6) Common layout customisation tasks
    7. 7) Working with JS
    8. 8) A selection of resources compiled by people who work with Magento 2
    9. 9) Videos from Vinai Kopp
    10. 10) SASS port of the Magento 2 blank theme

    Magento shows no sign of slowing down, so the quicker you’re up to speed with Magento 2 features, the better! You’ll hopefully find those links as helpful as we did…



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